Article 1: Name of association and introduction

The organization is called JAJ (convergence) Community Support & Relief Association Inc. It is a convergence and amalgamation between Chollo individuals, groups and organizations who share common principles to form a union for achieving collective goals. After its establishment in Australia in 2016, JAJ expanded by including North America (American and Canada) in 2017.

Article 2: Headquarter of association

The Headquarter of JAJ shall be Melbourne – Australia,
ABN. 81 651 770 069
P.O. BOX 7304 Dandenong, VIC 3175
Ph. +61 490 083 741 / +61 432 158 302
E-mail. jajcsra@gmail.com

Article 3: Mission Statement

JAJ (convergence) is cooperative and unitary association formed to promote peace building, economic, social and cultural development for the well -being of its members

Article 4: Vision Statement

JAJ envisions for the alleviation of human catastrophe, peace maintenance and improvement of living standard in Diasporas and in South Sudan.

Article 5: Objectives of association

The objectives of the association shall include

  1. To promote cooperative community
  2. To educate and provide legal information to raise the awareness about domestic violence, (sexual and elderly abuses) and youth bullying in order to maintain and promote healthy relationship
  3. To support newcomers with services and information they need to settle and integrate into our community
  4. To provide humanitarian aid and educational materials (clothes, shoes, nonperishable food items) for Orphaned children, widows, disable and elderly persons who lost their parents and relatives in ongoing ethnic cleansing in Chollo kingdom, South Sudan
  5. To provide clean water (Boreholes/hand pumps) in the affected areas in Chollo Kingdom.
  6. To support Orphans with educational materials (textbook, pencils, printers and computers) at Ogwenni Primary School in Chollo kingdom, South Sudan
  7. To preserve and develop Chollo culture, music, and art
  8. To promote human capital and economic abilities to improve living standards
  9. To defend and protect human rights and help victims with process of litigation

Article 6: Membership of JAJ

The membership of the association is open to

  1. Chollo individuals’ age 18 years and over
  2. Chollo organizations or groups who share common goals and purpose to amalgamate with JAJ to become a member of this universal and cooperative association
  3. Honorary member (individual) who by virtue of his/her social and financial contribution to JAJ. He/she shall have no right to vote or contest for election, but can attend occasional meetings and ceremonies when invited

Article 7: Membership Responsibility and code of conduct

Any registered members of JAJ shall be

  1. Pay annual membership dues (fees) and shares to support the cooperative operation
  2. Approach Executive Director to discuss financial obligation if applicant could not afford payment of membership dues and shares
  3. Attend and participate in cooperative meetings or conferences
  4. Promote and defend the aims and objectives of the cooperation
  5. Perform any constitutional duties assigned to her/him

Article 8: Rights of a member. Members of JAJ shall enjoy the following rights

  1. Right to contest for position, participate and vote on any issue or motion during meetings or conference
  2. Right to access to information, services, and privileges of JAJ
  3. Right to raise any concern to executive or board of directors and right to call for a general meeting through the facilitation of executive committee, by collecting signatures of 2/3 of the members of the Association
  4. Right of equal protection and treatment from the Management officers and Board of Directors
  5. Right to appeal to any decision taken against him/her by the management officers and Board of Directors
  6. Right to monitor the activities of the JAJ

Article 9: The General Assembly

  1. The general Assembly shall be composed of
  2. All registered members of the JAJ and shall abide and loyalty to the JAJ’s constitution
  3. The members of General Assembly shall directly elect the executive members of Management Officers and Board of Directors during Annual General Assembly
  4. The General Assembly shall have the right to impeach any office holder in case of mismanagement or inappropriate use of funds, properties or abuse of power
  5. The General Assembly shall have the right to propose amendment of any constitutional provision if supported by majority of members

Article 10: Board of Directors, number, and duties

The number and duties of the Board of Directors shall be as follow:

  1. Five elected individuals
  2. Plans program, directs and oversees the activities related to JAJ’s mission, vision, and values
  3. Serves for two years from day of election
  4. Seeks for another opportunity to be re-elected not more than two times to serve
    Operates independently from the day-to-day management of the JAJ business
  5. Ensures the organization’s financial viability
  6. Reviews the financial statements and strategic business plans for the JAJ and regularly monitors its progress in achieving planned programs

Article 11: The Executive Management Committee shall be five elected members as follow

  1. Chairperson
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer
  4. Welfare Officer
  5. Information Officer

Article 12: Duties of Management Committee Chairperson

Article 12.1 Chairperson: The Chairperson shall be responsible to

  1. To preside over all meetings of the Association.
  2. To coordinate between the management committee, Board of Directors and the standing committee.
  3. To set the agendas, call for a meeting and preside all meetings of the members of the JAJ and of the management committee.
  4. To sign all the by-laws and membership certificates
  5. To oversee, assess and evaluate each department in JAJ such as marketing, fundraising to generate revenue, program development and accounting for setting annual growth of cooperative.
  6. To attend a range of fundraising events, new program inaugurations, and public relations events and communicates with reporters, government representatives, and donors.
  7. Be professional when on duty and keep his personal reputation to avoid a personal scandal which can also tarnish JAJ reputation.
  8. Have the right to adjourn a meeting for a convenience reason (s).
  9. Represent the Association in external activities, including conferences, (Teleconferences) and meetings.
  10. To approve financial transactions in relation to use of Association funds.
  11. To present the Annual Report at the Annual General Meeting.

Article 12.2 Secretary: Secretary shall be responsible to

  1. To act as Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson.
  2. To prepare agendas and circulate papers to directors prior to meetings
  3. To run the general administration of the Association including attendance, grant and other office equipment.
  4. To record and keep accurate minutes of all meetings and shall, on request, make this available for examination by any member of the Management Committee
  5. To deal with communication and motions.
  6. To keep an up to date register of all members of the Association.
  7. To compile general reports of the Management Committee to the Chairperson
  8. To take minutes of meetings
  9. To maintain procedural records
  10. To provide guidance to the directors concerning their duties and responsibilities as members of the board

Article 12.3 Treasurer: The duty of the treasurer of association is to

  1. To ensure that all money due to the Association is collected and received and that all payments authorized by the association are made and saved in bank account
  2. To ensure that correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of association, including full details of all receipts and expenditure
  3. Receive any sponsorship money and send receipts to sponsors
  4. Arrange a monthly and annual Treasurer’s Report to management committee, board of directors and general assembly

Article 12.4 Welfare Officer: Welfare officerThe Welfare Officer shall be responsible to

  1. To handle all welfare programs including relief and rehabilitation.
  2. To develop and promote relationships with local and international organizations and donors
  3. To carry out advocacy and lobby to by providing needs of affected people to governments, organizations, and donor
  4. To conduct needs assessment, monitor and evaluate the relief projects
  5. To organize fundraising, research and write project proposals
  6. To collect donations, which are donated by people
  7. To coordinate and communicate with staff of affected communities to know needs and organize ways to send relief
  1. Article 12.5 Information Officer: The information Officer shall be
  2. Spokesperson of the Association in consultation with the Chairperson.
  3. Correspond, collect information about arising issues, format, edit, publish and distribute any authorized information by management committee on social media
  4. Receive agenda items from management committee, circulate agendas and reports

Article 13 Standing Committees:

There shall be Fourteen Standing Committees to help executive directors in implementing the mission of JAJ. Each committee shall be composed of two appointed or elected members of Standing Committee (Chairperson and Secretary) making a total number of standing committees and executive and board directors 38 personnel or workforce. Members of each Standing Committee shall be appointed by Executive Directors.

Article 13.1 Fundraising Committee and responsibilities:

The Fundraising Committee shall

  • Hold a weekly committee meeting for implementation of its activities
  • Prepare periodical report and present it to executive directors
  • Attend every two-week meeting of board of directors and one-month General Assembly meeting
  • Prepare grant and proposal writing to individuals, corporations, governmental, business and none profit organizations
  • Organize and maintain records of all financial transactions
  • Organize its monthly team meetings for planning and strategizing for fundraising activities
  • Launch fundraising activities and enforce the deadlines set by JAJ to implement assigned mission
  • Article 13.2 Standing Committee on Human Right:

    True peace will never come without enforcement of rule of law against the predators. The Human Right Committee is charged with the following duties

    1. Hold a weekly committee meeting for implementation of its activities
    2. Prepare periodical report to executive directors
    3. Attend every two-week meeting of board of directors and one-month General Assembly meeting
    4. Conduct research and investigation on field of human right violation, identify areas of violation and document the fact-findings
    5. Lobby, consult and work with United Nations Human Right Council and International Criminal Court (ICC) to apprehend and hold predators accountable for the crime against humanity
    6. Lobby and collaborate with international humanitarian aid organizations to provide humanitarian relief or aid to needy people back home
    7. Receive complaints from victims of human right violation, and undertake advocacy by helping them with litigation process, making case for compensation and enforcing the international rule of law against human right violators
    8. Conduct educational workshops to create awareness about human right violation to empower the victims with information they need to know their right and to stand up for it

    Article 13.3 Standing Committee on Medical Program:

    The Committee shall perform the following tasks

    1. Hold a weekly committee meeting for implementation of its activities
    2. Attend every two week meeting of board of director and one month General Assembly meeting
    3. Coordinate with Doctors in fields in South Sudan to know their medical needs and undertake a joint planning to improve health situation
    4. Lobby, search and work with international health organizations for medical equipment and medicine needed by doctors back home
    5. Prepare a periodical report and make it available to executive directors

    Article 13.4 Peace Committee and its duties: Peace Committee is charged with the following duties

    1. Hold a monthly committee meeting for implementation of its activities
    2. Attend every meeting of board of director and General Assembly
    3. Initiate sincere and impartial communication with parties to conflict to find reasons for fight or dispute
    4. Plan for strategies to restore understanding and peace between parties to conflict
    5. Organize and facilitate conference when possible for true and serious dialogue and reconciliation
    6. Collaborate with his highness, Reth (king), community elders and church leaders for positive outcome of mediation and reconciliation
    7. Make reasons for conflict known to all members to know if conflict is for common good of community or for the interest of individuals so that each one could differentiate between fight for personal gain and fight to defend community interest
    8. Prepare periodical report to executive directors

    Article 13.5 Standing Committee on Artistic and Cultural Advancement:

    The Committee is charged with the following duties

    1. Hold a weekly committee meeting for implementation of its activities
    2. Prepare periodical report to executive directors
    3. Attend every two week meeting of board of directors and one month General Assembly meeting
    4. Research and preserve and develop Chollo Art and cultures
    5. Conduct and encourage activities of folkdance, museums, music, library, digital art, literature, fashioning, craft, film, comedy and poetry
    6. Prepare periodical report to executive directors

    Article 13.6 Trustee Committee and responsibilities:

    Trustee Committee is entrusted with obligations of loyalty, good faith, impartiality and prudence for maintenance of transparency and accountability in the management of JAJ’s programs. The Trustee Committee shall perform the following duties

    1. Hold a weekly committee meeting for implementation of its activities
    2. Attend every two week meeting of board of director and one month General assembly meeting
    3. To preserve accurate and clear records of transactions of JAJ. Records must reflect amounts received, spend, losses and gains on investments.
    4. Trustee Committee shall furnish information of the detailed accounting of the cooperation assets to members upon request to have all members informed of processes and procedures the trustee is using in the management of those assets.

    Article 13.7 Audit Committee and its duties:

    The role of the audit committee shall include the followings

    1. Hold its own committee any time for implementation of its activities
    2. Attend every two week meeting of board of director and one month General assembly meeting
    3. Assist the Trustee Committee to fulfil its duties of the financial regulation and reporting.
    4. Conduct investigations into any matters in question about use of cooperative finance with the consent of the Trustee Committee and retain external counsel, accountants and others to advise the committee or assist in the conduct of an investigation and search for any information from members or beneficiaries
    5. Prepare periodical report to executive directors

    Article 13.8 Spiritual Committee: This committee shall be responsible for the following duties:

    1. Plan for programs to rehabilitate and expand spiritual institution
    2. Encourage solidarity and cooperation among Chollo different sects for growth of each entity
    3. Encourage and promote spiritual practices and activities to enhance spiritual transformation of the
      Chollo Community
    4. Advise the Peace Committee in their mission of conflict resolution
    5. Take part in any re-conciliatory activities arrange to restore peace between any conflicting members
      of Chollo community
    6. Hold its internal meeting for implementation of its activities every weekly or every two weeks
    7. Prepare its periodical reports, recommendations and concerns and present it to Executive Director
    8. Attend every two week-meeting of Executive Directors and monthly general meeting
    9. Arrange spiritual gathering once a month for all members of JAJ
    10. Lobby with other international and local spiritual communities to build a solidarity to protect human right and spiritual institutions back home

    Article 13.9 Elderly Committee:

    Our elders are mirrors to reflect the past. They are talking libraries that carry our past. They are keepers of cultural values and attitudes. Their contribution is necessary to bring the past to present to future. The duties of Elderly Committee shall be

    1. Hold its internal meeting every two weeks and attend meetings of general assembly
    2. Provide advice on Executive Directors and outstanding committee on any matter that might require their help and direction
    3. Plan and develop curriculum to promote awareness of Chollo cultural heritage, language, tradition, art and music
    4. Assist and advise peace committee with advice it need in handling its mission of conflict management
    5. Encourage harmony, respect and understanding among members of JAJ
    6. Be role model of listening, understanding and non-judgmental
    7. Utilize their knowledge, skill and experience to pass it on to young generation

    Article 12.10 Standing Committee on Media & Publicity:

    The members of Media and Publicity Committee are entrusted with the following duties.

    1. Develop plans and strategies to establish Chollo media institution and training program
    2. Furnish executive directors with any new ideas or policies regarding media
    3. Regulate activities of technology, press; posts, publishing; telecommunications; broadcasting, electronic, media and communication and dispute any incorrect information from wrong source
    4. Organize media conferences, manage press release and provide media coverage and postings through social media
    5. Develop innovative and motivational videos, radio or TV for Chollo projects for online and live campaigns
    6. Organize audio interviews with leaders of governmental and none profit organizations, community leaders and individuals etc to create the awareness to the Chollo people and international community about daily issues

    Article 13.11 Committee on Education:

    The committee on education is charged with the followings responsibilities:

    1. Plan and develop programs for expanding educational activity into shelters where displaced people dwell
    2. Develop education policies and recommendation to respond to emerging trends and needs in education according to researched evidence
    3. Communicate with student community in refugee camps in African to know their needs
    4. Work with international educational organizations such as UNESCO and World University Service (WUSC) and EUMC to find way for refugee students with high school degree to study abroad
    5. Search for education materials and ship them to needy community back home to increase the capacity and skills levels of the existing educational structures in order to bridge the gaps and to meet the needs of the expanding educational program

    Article 13.12 The Chollo Women League:

    ‘Behind every great man is a great woman or behind every great woman is a great man’. Without woman’s participation in discussion, planning, developing and decision-making on programs that determine our future, we will never achieve a sustainable development and endurable peace. The Chollo Women League has the following responsibilities:

    1. Develop programs to promote positive changes in gender relationship
    2. Undertake effective role in developing, promoting, publishing and disseminating informative programs on gender equality and capacity building of Chollo women
    3. Be participator, proactive, articulate, assertive, vocal and facilitative in decision-making, creating and advocating various programs that advance women status and gender equality in community.

    Article 13.13 Youth Affairs:

    The amalgamation of youth and adult efforts is the best avenue to furnish the youth with information they need to strengthen their skills and abilities in order to take on the ownership of leadership and responsibilities for local well-being and to ensure that legacies and information are passed on to young people. The Youth Affairs shall be responsible for the following duties:

    1. Consult with youth to know their interests and needs
    2. Ensure that youth are made aware of available programs
    3. Research and develop programs for youth empowerment and ensure such programs are advertise
    4. Communicate with international youth organizations for information exchange
    5. Prepare funding proposal and communicate funders and donors
    6. Promote the youth organization and encourage participation
    7. Lead and supervise youth activities
    8. Recruit, train and administer volunteers
    9. Provide periodical report about youth programs and opportunities
    10. Ensure implementation of all youth programs and activities

    Article 13: Meetings

    1. Meetings of the Management Committee shall be held at least once per month at times determined by the Management Committee
    2. The Management Committee shall hold extraordinary meeting in case of any emergency.
    3. The quorum for all meetings shall be 50% of members.
    4. Matters arising at meetings may be resolved by a majority of votes of members present
    5. The Chairperson, or the person presiding at the meeting, has a deliberative vote and in the event of an equality of votes, a casting vote.

    Article 15: Reporting

    1. The Management Committee shall provide a written report to every general assembly meeting of the Association and include the minutes of the executive committee meeting. This report will also include a copy of the income and expenditure and bank reconciliation. The report should be signed by an executive member of the Association.
    2. The report must include any resolved matters as recommendations for approval by the Association before any action can be taken.

    Article 16: Source of JAJ’s Finance

    The Operational Capital for JAJ will emanate from the following sources to ensure member commitment to the cooperative. These sources are revenues for the operations and growth of the Association.

    1. JAJ shall have its account opened at bank where members can deposit their dues, shares, service fees and contributions
    2. Individual Annual Membership Fee & Share Capital
    3. Contribution or Donation from Honorary Member and members of JAJ
    4. Fundraising activity
    5. Fund and Grants from donors

    Article 17: Use of JAJ fund.

    Surplus funds arising from the JAJ’s operations will be used to develop and promote the JAJ’s approved programs

    Article 18 Account of JAJ:

    Any subcommittee (from other states) is authorized to operate a bank account in its name at the same bank as the Association.

    Article 19 Tenure

    1. The tenure of the Board of Directors, Management and Standing Committee is two years from time of election
    2. The Association has the right to dissolve or disband any subcommittee at any time by majority vote at a duly constituted meeting of the Association.
    3. Continuation of the subcommittee is subject to an affirmative vote at the AGM of the Association.

    Article 20: Changes or amendments

    Any change or amendment to these operating guidelines can be made by recommendation put to a general assembly meeting of the Association or to the AGM of the Association at which the continuance of the subcommittee and the operating guidelines are confirmed.

    Article 21 JAJ’S Guiding Values

    We strongly believe, honor and embrace the followings Guiding Values.

    1. Dedication: We uphold our constitutional principles and committed to professional ethics for excellent performance
    2. Congruent: We embrace constructive communication to avoid misleading other party
    3. Listening: We believe in listening more than talking
    4. Creativity: We value and celebrate imagination, generative, productive, discovery and adventure for growth into betterment
    5. Transparent: We are cooperative and clear to each other as one unit to ensure meaning of coalition and we are committed to the fight against corruption and preference
    6. Accountable: We value the accountability in our relationships and adhere to our constitution and duty
    7. Problem solving: We address a problem to be solved rather than the criticizing a person responsible for the problem
    8. Impartial: We are democratic, nonpartisan and non-sectarian in our work
    9. Honesty and integrity: we maintain a sense of honesty and integrity as tools for our success in operation and
    10. Dependable and reliable: We care and value our duty and responsibility
    11. Humble: We belief in humility to keep us from overvaluing ourselves and discounting other people opinions
    12. Faithful: With faith in God, we have courage to face challenges and achieve our goals
    13. Teamwork: We belief in teamwork as a vital role in achieving our goals
    14. Equality: Is the centre of respect, democracy and peace our team enjoy and upheld
    15. Hope: We only anticipate positive outcome of the future through collectivity and collaboration